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How do I stay organized???

So as a stay at home mom with a two-year-old and a new baby on the way how do I keep myself organized? Truthfully as hard as I try I am still perfecting my organization skills... I have my amazing planner with my monthly and weekly planner, as well as a to do list, meal planner, and a chore check list. I fill it out every Sunday and try to stick with my plans to the best of my ability, but life can get in the way. As long as I can get dinner on the table, keep my daughter from breaking anything or getting hurt I count my day a success!

Well let me tell me about my wonderful planner! I swear by this thing; it really does help me keep my week organized. I love knowing that I don't have to worry about what my meals are going to be two hours before dinner time because I have it planned the week ahead. This helps me with my Monday morning grocery shopping and my Monday afternoon meal preps!

My chore list, and to-do list is really when I have time to get to it during the week is when it happens but having a list and tentative plans to do them helps me prioritize my week.

NOW the actual planner part is my favorite part! We have A LOT of things going on in our family, church activities, sporting events, family events, doctors’ appointments, and so much more! We have Disney Passes and I try to get out there as often as I can to make sure we get our money’s worth so there is a lot to fit in to our schedule. My monthly planner gets just the basics times and titles of events and the weekly planner is where I get all my info down.

I have also made a folder in the front to put my shopping list, and my stickers that I use to indicate special events that require attention and need to be remembered!

I really do swear by my planner without it I really don't think I would be half as organized as I am...and like I said I am still perfecting this...I am not the cleanest person on the planet, if my bed gets made before noon it’s a miracle but if I didn't have something with all my plans and to-dos literally nothing would get done and important events would be all but forgotten!


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